Sunday, February 15, 2009

its time for my thank yous..

I have been in singapore for more than 7 years now... time sure flies doesn't it? The many excapades and adventures( or mis-adventures) that i've had makes me look back and want to say some words...

To my parents:

Thank you. I love you. (teary smile)

To my brother, Jason:

I look forward to the next time we meet. I will still be able to beat you up then. You can try to win, but you know it will never happen(evil smile).

To my friends in Aquarius:

Thank you for all for the most interesting fun i've had in my primary school days. Those days of table tennis, canal surfing, and other miscelleneous illegal activities that we did were one of the most fun things that i have ever done. If you ever want to do anything else of the same nature, please give me a call when i'm back in singapore and I will try to make sure I am there.

To my friends in Primary School:

Thank you for making my primary school life not only bearable, but quite fun as well. There are no words to describe the effect you all have had on me.

To my friends in Maris Stella High Secondary School(including the bookshop aunty):

I will still be the crazy, insensative, loud, violent asshole you knew in secondary school. Too bad. BITE ME!!! But if any of you need someone to party with, just give me a call when im in singapore and i will see what i can do for you.

To all my other miscelleneous friends:

Hmmm... what can i say? You are all such a big diverse group that it is difficult to say anything that can encompass you. However, know this: you have each and every one of you made an impact on my life.

To all the teachers who have taught me in school:

My gratitude is endless. Except for miss liew(urgh). She can go f herself.

The road ahead is long and arduous, but i hope that in time, all the hard work i will put in will pay of. Peace out people.

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